Magnetic Attraction

In this blog you will learn how to leverage the law of attraction in order to get in life everything you desire.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Advice on Life

Hi again {!firstname_fix},

It has been a while since I last wrote, and I think it is about
time to write some more.

What I would like to share with you today is the following thought:

Make your life a celebration of life itself.

What do I mean with this?

Everyone wants to learn how to make it big on what ever it is that
they do,
most of us here want to do it big in the Internet Marketing arena.

How does one achieve this greatness?

I will try to explain it as simply and briefly as possible:

One achieves greatness by first being great.

Said in other words, you achieve by becoming, once you become
all the knowledge and tools are made available to you.

In order to be a succesful in life, one must come out
of the "I am a trying to learn" mindset and emerge as an
"succesful person in the making", if not a "fully made successful

It is when you come to this mindset that things start to make sense.

This is not something I made up, this is something that has
been written hundreds of years ago.

So, taking that into consideration, there are different things that
one must have in order to complete the mindset of success.

1. forgive everyone - when someone upsets you, you are only seeing
in them a reflection
of one part of yourself that upsets you, forgive them and you will
forgive your self (or do it the other way around)
2. love everyone - the love you give is equal to the love you get,
have you heard that before?
this means really that the love energy that you have inside
"towards others" will fuel you in ways you cannot imagine.
3. your main aim should always be to give more, to add value.  when
you add value to others' lives you actually become
valuable to them.
4. enjoy the ride, the mindset of "I will be happy when" is not the
correct one, you have to be happy now, do what makes you happy
and that same happiness and joy will fuel your life and bring about
happy situations.

If you put this 4 principles to practice, you will see a huge
change in your life, and you will see that you will become
successful with certainty.

In order to have success, you have to get rid of your inner
blockages, the inner blockages are exactly the things that I tell you
how to remove in the 4 principles.

Now, I am sure some of you will want to know the how, if this is so
please be patient, there will be more to come

Together With Divine Love
Nathan Romano



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